Canine Neuter Surgery Consent

Surgical/Anesthetic Options: Please initial your choice for each option.

Laser Surgery
We have the ability to use a surgical laser rather than a scalpel blade for most routine procedures.
This may decrease bleeding, swelling, and postoperative pain.

Therapeutic Laser Treatment
This treatment can be performed on your pet’s incision(s) postoperatively to reduce
pain and aid in the healing process on a cellular level.

Microchip Permanent Identification
A microchip is a means of permanent identification that is implanted under the
skin. If your pet is lost, your pet may be reconnected with you via the use of a chip scanner (most veterinary clinics,
shelters and rescue organizations have one of these scanners).

(Cone to keep the patient from licking)

Sedative to go home

Consent for Anesthesia and Surgery

I, the undersigned, am the owner or authorized agent of the pet listed below and am at least 18 years of age. I elect
to have this pet undergo the anesthetic and surgical procedure listed below, and declare that I understand the
procedure along with associated benefits and risks (up to and including death) as outlined above, and I have had the opportunity to have my questions regarding the procedure answered.

MM slash DD slash YYYY

MM slash DD slash YYYY


Would you like us to call or text you at this phone number?

My pet has had food withheld for a minimum of 8 hour:

My pet’s current medications/supplements:
Last Given

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.